Wednesday, August 1, 2012

When Legos Attack

We all know the perils of owning Legos.

The dangers lurking underfoot.

The money lost every time you hear the familiar clicking sound of another Lego getting sucked up even though you scoured the floor a hundred times before you started vacuuming.

But were you aware of the inhalation risk?
No? Neither were we until it happened.

Doodlebug is almost 4 years old and has been playing with Legos since he was 3 1/2 and he inherited, along with lots of other Legos, his father's vintage Lego commuter train set. He's of the age when things that are purposefully wrong are hysterically funny. His favorite joke is to call me Daddy and my husband Mommy. Oh the comedy.

I wasn't there when "the Lego incident" happened. I was playing with Bear in the living room, so I have to take my husband's word when he said it was "an accident" and Doodle was "totally shocked and surprised".

Since I wasn't there this is my quite possible but totally made up rendition of the events.

Doodle-"Hey Daddy, look at my boogey! Isn't that silly? Ha, ha, ha" deep breath, look of total shock, "uh-oh!"
Daddy-"Did that Lego just go up your NOSE! Hey Jenn. . . ."

We attempted at home extraction. It might have gone better if I hadn't kept laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Peter had a headlamp on and tweezers and I was stuck with the job of keeping Doodle's head still while Daddy went nose spelunking. Doodle kept pretty calm until he got poked by the sharp part of the tweezers and then he started to cry.

One quick call to the pediatric urgent care later, they were closing in thirty minutes and are thirty minutes away, the boys head off to Children's Hospital ER.

Evidently Legos up the nose are not a super urgent medical condition.

Two hours, a grape popsicle, a cool hospital bracelet, and a strict talking to about not putting things in your nose or ear, the offending Lego was extracted. All for the low, low, price of $150 just to walk in the door! The final bill has not yet arrived but I suspect we could have bought a lot more Legos with the money that will go to that bill.
The Offending Lego. Should I get it gold plated?

Ask Doodlebug now what goes in his nose and he'll answer with an emphatic "Nuffin!"

I wish that would keep his finger out of it in public places but that's another battle.

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